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Head of International Division at the Office of the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman Visits the Control Yuan

  • PostDate:2007-12-04

Head of International Division at the Office of the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO) Ms. Marianne von der Esch calls on the Secretary General of the Control Yuan Mr. Shan-liang Tu at 10.00am on December 4, 2007. Sweden is the first western country adopting the Ombudsman concept. The Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman has already operated for nearly 200 years. Working for the Institution over 12 years, Ms. von der Esch is fully aware of the development and operation of the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman, and usually delivers speeches in many countries at invitations. The main purpose of her visit to Taiwan is to better understanding on the democratic accomplishments in Taiwan as well as the mandates and operations of the Control Yuan. She shares the Swedish experiences of government transparency through several speeches and round table discussions at related government agencies and academic institutions. In addition to visiting the Control Yuan, National Audit Office and the Legislative Yaun, Ms. von der Esch calls at the Government Information Office to receive a briefing on the Republic of China. Besides, she also attends a workshop at the Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, National Chengchi University to introduce the Ombudsman system and human rights protection in Sweden.