The first issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter is published on January 1st, 2021. The Control Yuan Newsletter includes topics such as the latest news, government reforms, duties & powers, international exchanges, and human rights education, with a view to strengthening communication with and making our voice heard by international ombudsmen and the human rights community.
The first issue of the Newsletter compiles Control Yuan news since the inauguration of the Control Yuan’s sixth president and members on August 1st, 2020, including articles on International Human Rights Day, the unveiling of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) sign and the adoption of the NHRC logo, government reforms after the inauguration of president Chu CHEN, the inspection of the executive and judicial branch, the video call with the Asia Pacific Forum (APF), the Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) virtual conference, and the partnership program on human rights education with other government agencies.
The Control Yuan Newsletter will be published every half-year and cover news over the preceding few months. Please refer to our website for more: