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Publication of the Eighth Issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter

  • PostDate:2024-07-01

The eighth issue of the Control Yuan Newsletter English version is published on July 1, 2024. The Control Yuan Newsletter includes topics such as the latest news, powers and duties, visits of foreign guests, human rights protection, and international exchanges in order to strengthen communication with the international ombudsman and human rights community.

The eighth issue compiles Control Yuan (CY) news of the first half of 2024, including articles on CY’s 2023 annual review, CY president’s meeting with Lithuanian parliamentarians, new Australia representative’s visit to NHRC, Executive Yuan being designated historic site of injustice, Estonian parliamentarians’ visit to NHRC, CY president’s welcoming of ICERD implementation, seminar on exercising CY powers, the CY delegation’s attendance in the IOI World Conference, and CEDAW’s 45th anniversary.

The Control Yuan Newsletter will be published every half-year. Please refer to our website for more: https://www.cy.gov.tw/EN/cp.aspx?n=712